7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Chipmunks in Your Garage

Chipmunks may be some of the cutest rodents you’ll encounter, but they can also pose a significant threat. These omnivorous creatures, native to North America and Asia, have a voracious appetite and will consume everything from beneficial insects to buds, bulbs, and other garden plants.

Furthermore, their deep burrows can potentially damage the structure of your house as they frantically evade human presence.

Fortunately, there are ways to deter and, if necessary, humanely remove chipmunks from your property. Begin with simple, natural deterrents and escalate to more robust, yet still humane, measures if needed to encourage these pesky rodents to vacate.

In this article, we’ll explore seven effective methods to eliminate chipmunks from your garage while shedding light on why they can become such a nuisance. But before delving into these strategies, let’s first understand what might be attracting chipmunks to your garage, shall we?

What Attracts Chipmunks to Your Garage?

Chipmunks have become a prevalent issue for many individuals. These small rodents might initially appear cute, characterized by stripes on their backs that distinguish them from other rodents like squirrels. However, if left unchecked in your garage, they can wreak havoc.

Chipmunks have a diverse diet, including buds, fruits, nuts, seeds, plant matter, grass, shoots, insects, worms, bird eggs, frogs, and more. In some cases, chipmunks have been known to prey on small birds. Their presence in your garage can quickly become a nightmare, causing substantial problems.

Why Are Chipmunks Such a Problem?

Despite their small size, chipmunks can cause far more damage than you might expect. In your yard, they may dig numerous burrows, destroy your plants, and create significant havoc.

During the winter months, chipmunks hibernate, digging underground tunnels to sleep and consume the food they’ve stockpiled during the summer. If you’re not vigilant, you may discover these burrows in the foundation of your house.

The real issue is their rapid reproduction rate. When it comes to reproducing, chipmunks outpace even rabbits. They can infiltrate your garage and house structure before you know it, inflicting substantial damage to the interior gaps and voids.

Chipmunks can also damage your car, particularly during the colder months when they seek warmth and avoid residing in their deep tunnels. They are known to gnaw through cables, and the residual warmth of an engine after it’s turned off transforms the vehicle into an inviting living space. They also enjoy chewing on wires, which helps maintain their dental health.

Additionally, chipmunks are curious creatures, often investigating any cables hanging from your car’s undercarriage.

Chipmunks are a significant nuisance, and acting swiftly to keep them out of your garage is crucial. You can employ various techniques to eliminate them from your garage, but first, you must identify the source of the infestation.

Now, let’s explore some effective methods to get rid of chipmunks:

1. Use Coffee Grounds

Utilizing coffee grounds is a cost-effective and natural way to deter chipmunks from your garage. Chipmunks rely on their sense of smell to locate food and navigate their surroundings, and the pungent odor of coffee grounds irritates them, discouraging their approach.

You can obtain coffee grounds for free from most coffee cafes or purchase them at a store. Simply sprinkle the grounds around your yard and any nesting areas where chipmunks have taken up residence. The pungent scent of coffee grounds will keep chipmunks at bay.

2. Use Cat Litter

Chipmunks are naturally fearful of cats, as they are preyed upon by various predators, including cats. Placing a cat’s litter tray in your garage for a few days, especially if it contains residual odor, can deter chipmunks from the area.

Alternatively, you can use urine pellets from coyotes or foxes if available. Be cautious if you have a cat at home to prevent any unwanted interactions.

3. Use Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a potent essential oil known for its effectiveness in repelling chipmunks, moles, skunks, and field mice.

Create a repellent by mixing 2-3 drops of peppermint oil with a cup of water and spray it around your garage, entry points, trees, shrubs, pet food areas, and chipmunk nests. Reapply the solution daily to maintain its freshness and effectiveness.

Ensure you don’t spray near dogs or individuals with allergies. It can also be applied around the perimeter of your garage and inside to deter chipmunks.

4. Use Mothballs

Mothballs emit naphthalene, a chemical that chipmunks find unpleasant, leading them to flee.

Allow the scent of mothballs to disperse freely, and chipmunks will likely leave once the irritating odor reaches their nest. However, remember that naphthalene is toxic and should not be used indoors without proper ventilation.

If you’re hesitant about using mothballs, alternative natural methods exist to eliminate chipmunks.

5. Use Electronic and Liquid Repellents

Electronic repellent systems that utilize ultrasonic pulses or water sprays can deter chipmunks, as well as other pests like deer, raccoons, rabbits, and squirrels.

These devices are non-toxic and can cover a significant area, but they won’t dislodge chipmunk burrows or nests.

You can also opt for a non-toxic commercial repellent spray or create a DIY solution using cayenne pepper, olive oil, and water. Spray this mixture on affected areas and reapply as needed to keep chipmunks away.

6. Try Juicy Fruit Gum

Juicy Fruit Gum, readily available in most stores, can be used to repel chipmunks. While the scent of the gum may attract them, ingesting it can clog their digestive system, leading to their demise.

Place unwrapped Juicy Fruit gum sticks near chipmunk nests and around your garage, but consider this method as a last resort.

Remember that this approach’s effectiveness may vary, so passive tactics are often more reliable.

7. Leverage Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper, a common kitchen spice, is a potent chipmunk repellent due to its fiery flavor which chipmunks despise. You can create a cayenne pepper spray by mixing a spoonful of cayenne pepper with a cup of water.

Fill a spray bottle with the mixture and apply it around your garage, particularly along the bottom shelves and corners.

Give it a few days to work, and you’ll likely find most chipmunks have vacated your garage. In case of any stragglers, a little extra spraying should do the trick.

Bottom Line

Chipmunks in your home can cause significant damage, as they have a broad diet and can gnaw through various materials. If you encounter chipmunks in your home, removing them for sanitary reasons is essential, as they can carry fleas and bacteria in their excrement. Additionally, their habit of creating holes in your residence can lead to structural issues.

In conclusion, taking prompt action is the key to cleanliness and protection of your property.

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The post 7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Chipmunks in Your Garage first appeared on Mama Say What?!

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexander Pimm

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