Much Better Than Wallpaper: A Cool Stencil Giveaway!

If you are having a baby and are working on the nursery room, you need to listen up! When it comes to a nursery room, there are so many ways to decorate and design it.

You have the walls, furniture, lighting, toys, and so on. If you have a nursery room and want to do something about it, you might like this idea and fall in love with it.

Have you ever heard of a stencil wall? They are gorgeous and make the room stand out. You should try making one wall an accent. There are so many stencils you can buy online for a cheap price.

The popular site is Cutting Edge Stencils, which has a variety of stencils you can choose from. There’s abstract shapes, geometric, lines, and more. Whatever you like, you’ll find one that fits your taste.

For this project, the wall was painted light pink for a little girl’s room. A darker pink stencil would be over the top so it stands out more. Overall, you just want to have fun with it. It is a fun project to do in your home to beautify the space.

If you want to be extra fancy, you can add the silver metallic paint OVER the dark pink when doing the stencil. You might want to practice on it a bit more because it does take time.

First, you have to paint the walls, and you want to do a double coat. If a family member comes around to see what you are doing. You should stop them and ask for help. An extra hand is better than one.

When you are done painting the primary color, it is time to stencil. This one can be the most challenging part. You have to tape and make sure it is straight.

Now, Cutting Edge Stencils has great tutorials on their website on how to stencil.

You should definitely watch one because everyone’s walls are different. You don’t want to mess up because it might longer to finish.

Since there was only one area of the wall where we would be able to do a full row – top to bottom – the family decided it would be best to start there.

Just clip the stencil level to the bottom of the stencil and tape it to the wall, so it would stay in place. if you have someone to measure and keep it straight, that would be even better.

Once the stencil is taped perfectly to the wall, you can start painting. You want to dip the roller in the paint first. Then wipe off the excess paint on either a paper towel or a piece of cardboard.

This step is VERY important because if you skip it you will have too much paint on your roller and it will seep through the stencil.

Next, you can roll the paint across the stencil making sure you hit all the open areas of the pattern.

Once the paint is close to being completely dry, you can go ahead and roll the metallic paint right over the top, instead of coming back and doing the silver later.

If you use a different color like this project, you want to make sure there is VERY little of metallic paint left on the roller, so the paint would still shine through underneath.

If you do it like that, it would end up looking perfect!

Some spots might look more metallic than others, but the end result is what more important.

Here are some tips that will help you at home:

  • While you’re working, you can peel the tape off right away, pull back your stencil, and admire your work! You don’t need to wash it off – just keep going. The best thing about the stencil patterns is that they repeat, so when you line up the next one below, it will overlap a bit so you know you are going down in a perfectly straight line. Make sure you don’t go over that area again with your paint.
  • You want your outlets to be taped off so you can just paint over them without worrying about painting them on the outlet.
  • The trim should be taped off too so you can paint right down your trim. Cutting Edge recommends using a stencil brush to get as close to the trim as possible, but we were able to get pretty close with the roller. You will have to bend the bottom of the stencil pattern a bit to get it all the way down.
  • When you purchase your stencil pattern, you get a smaller border stencil that comes with it. This is what you use along the ceiling and above the window. It’s much easier in small spaces since you don’t have to try to bend the stencil along the ceiling.

This project didn’t take that long since the room was quite small. it took only Saturday and Sunday to finish.

All in all, it probably took five or six hours, but it was well worth it.

If you love the stencils, you can try doing other rooms in your house if you want.

The stenciling may sound a bit tricky, but it’s not bad at all… even for beginners!

If you are thinking about doing a stencil wall in your house, you should give it a try. You will love it and so will your guests if they ever come over.

If that’s not enough to inspire you, Cutting Edge is giving away a free stencil to one of our readers (valued up to $50)! How cool is that?

From chevron to damask to stripes and polka dots, the possibilities are endless.

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This article was produced and syndicated by Mama Say What?!

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Tim Thomas is a renowned writer and entrepreneur specializing in finance, investing, and money matters. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the financial sector, Tim offers valuable insights into the world of personal finance, stock market trends, and investment strategies.