10 Things You Should Stop Teaching Children Right Now

As a society, we place a great emphasis on education and ensuring that our children receive the best possible education.

However, with the changing times and evolving cultural norms of society, it is important to re-evaluate what we teach our children.

There are certain concepts and ideas that have been ingrained in and outside the educational systems that may no longer be relevant or appropriate for today’s world.

A recent Reddit thread covered the same topic when one user asked the question what things we should stop teaching children. Here are the top voted responses.

1. “That failure is something to be ashamed of and to avoid at all costs.” – 28.6K Votes

User, Ineluki_742’s contribution saw the most number of responses, they said, “That failure is something to be ashamed of and to avoid at all costs. We all fail sometimes and we need to be able to accept that.”

A second user replied with a quote from Star Trek, “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” 

2. “If he’s mean to you, he likes you” – 24.6K Votes

The second most popular contribution was about relationships. They said, “If he’s mean to you, he likes you.”

User Rotatingruhnama agreed, “I tell my daughter, “it doesn’t matter if he likes you, if he’s not kind he’s not worth your time.”

3. “That you need to be friends with everyone.” – 19.1K Votes

Another contributor thought that children should be taught to realize that you don’t need to be friends with everyone.

SaveusJebus agreed, replying, “I’ve had to tell my kids this. Like when kids in their class don’t ever want to play with them. Not everyone wants to be your friend, and that’s ok.”

4. “That play ends when you reach adulthood.”- 19.0K Votes

User, Malcolmpargin made the important point that society should stop saying, “That play ends when you reach adulthood. Play is important, even when we’re grown.”

Mmmm_babes response to this was to quote George Bernard Shaw, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

5. “To just ignore bullies.” – 17.2K Votes

The fifth most upvoted response addressed school bullies. They said that society needed to stop say, “To just ignore bullies. As a former teacher, it does nothing to address the issue. The bullying persists 100% of the time.”

User MarcoYTVA added, “As a former bullied: what the hell goes on in the heads of the people who say this!?”

6. “You can get what you want if you’re nice.”- 15.6K Votes

Reddit user CantAimMustPray contributed, “You can get what you want if you’re nice. It teaches children how to be manipulative & dishonest.”

They continued, “Instead, teach them to handle “No”. Too many people grow up and get offended at being told ‘No.'”

7. “They are not any more special than anyone else.” – 10.9K Vote

Another user offered, “That while they are special, they are not any more special than anyone else.”

Aje1121 agreed posting a clip from kids cartoon, Bluey. They said, “The kids show Bluey…one of my favorite clips (1:25 mark). This show is gold.”

8. “Please” isn’t a magic word.” – 8.6K Votes

GrnHrtBrwnThmb said that, “’Please’ isn’t a magic word. It often won’t get you want you want.” 

They added, “’I’m sorry’ doesn’t erase a wrong and is only one small part of an apology, which the wronged party is not obligated to accept.”

Another user added that it was important for children to be willing to politely ask but also to, “Take no for an answer just as politely can be ridiculously useful.”

They continued, “In particular, girls need to be taught this. Part of advocating for yourself.”

9. “Kids learn by watching us.” – 7.5K Votes

Neuroboy made the point that, “Kids learn by watching us. whatever we want kids to do or not do starts with grown-ups addressing our own hang-ups. full stop.”

10. “I before E, except after C.” – 6.8K Votes

The final contribution for our list was from, 2bias06. They address the grammer rule, “’I before E, except after C’, this rule has so many exceptions that it should not be considered a rule.”

Reddit gave a great list of items that we should stop telling our children but are there others that should be included?

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The post 10 Things You Should Stop Teaching Children Right Now first appeared on Mama Say What?!

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fizkes. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.

Source: Reddit

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Tim Thomas is a renowned writer and entrepreneur specializing in finance, investing, and money matters. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the financial sector, Tim offers valuable insights into the world of personal finance, stock market trends, and investment strategies.