Try Out These Cool DIY Bulldozer Costumes

You know when your kids start to grow up a little, they start wanting to choose their own costume.

My son is finally old enough this Halloween to do so and he loves anything that is construction related.

Gues what he wanted to be? A bulldozer! It was no surprise since he was talking construction stuff all the time.

Right away, this has to be a DIY project! You probably find some DIY bulldozer costumes off of Pinterest. It’s not really difficult to ake since you can use a cardboard box and DIY it yourself.

You can also do a quick Google image search to see some costumes for ideas. This one image that came across was a super adorable bulldozer costume. Right away, this costu me has to be created.

Here Are The Step-by-Step Instructions For How I Made It.


  • Box cutter
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Large cardboard box (make sure it fits over your child)
  • Yellow spray paint
  • Grey craft paint (optional)
  • Black ribbon
  • Black Construction paper
  • 2 packs of a three-piece paper round mâché box set (can be found at Michaels for $3 each; if they can’t be found, the bottom of an oatmeal box or any other round cardboard container will work great)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Printer paper and access to a computer with printer


First, you have to cut the top flaps off of the box. Do not throw the flaps aways since these will be used for the front bucket parts.

Then you need to cut the bottom of the box so you can have a center hole for the body to fit through.

For the bucket piece, you will need the flaps you cut in the beginning and two small ones for the sides. Cut out the notches in one of the flap pieces for the teeth of the bulldozer bucket.

Once all those been cut, you can laid those pieces outside to spray paint them yellow. Make sure you put a few coats of spray paint and let it dry completely. Once one side is dey, you can spray paint the other side. When you have all the pieces spray painted yellow, you can start gluing them.

Plug in the glue gun and let it heat up. While that is heating up, you can start folding pieces of construction paper back and forth in an accordion/fan style. Then you can open it up and glue it down on the front of the box to make the “grill.”

Now the front bucket is ready to be assembled. Putt a line of glue along the edge of the rectangular box flap and holding it down on the box at an angle.

If you want a secure hold ,you can run the glue along the top and bottom. You want to hold it for a few minutes while the glue is cooling down and harden up. You do this for the top as well.

For the small side pieces, they were easy to run some glue and pop on. Now, for the piece of construction paper, you can lay it in the bucket and glued down. This gives it the effect of having a curved inside.

After that, you can cut a couple of strips of construction paper – each about two inches wide – and curled them around your fingers to form tubes for the lights.

Put a drop of glue to secure the loop and another couple of drops to attach them to the box. Now you can finish it off with a couple cut of circles of aluminum foil. You glue down the cut-out circles of aluminum foil to give a reflective look to the end of the lights.

For the wheels, yo can choose the two largest round boxes from both paper mâché box set packs.

You take the lids off and laid them open-side down and use the glue gun to stick them down. Then paint the top with grey craft paint.

If you want to leave them brown and not paint it grey, you could skip the step above. Some people just don’t want to buy grey paint.

Once they are secure, you cut the construction paper lengthwise – about three strips per sheet. You fold these papers in the same accordion style as the grill. This is to simulate the bumpy tracks of a bulldozer.

After folding them, you glue down the end of a strip onto the wheel and the end of the strip to the end of that one. Working your way until you glue the paper around the wheels. Do the same to the other side.

If you want to be fancy, you can get a logo to print out on Google and glue it to the bulldozer.

Now, moving on to the ribbons. You want to attach the two long pieces of ribbon to the front tabs on the top of the box. It’s better to put it over the child’s body so you can adjust the strps to the correct height.

If you want to make it secure, you should crisscross the straps then tie it to the back tabs and cut off any excess ribbon.

There you have it! A beautiful DIY bulldozer costume for your child.

This box bulldozer is sturdier than it looks. Hope your little ones enjoy living out their construction truck fantasies!

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Tim Thomas is a renowned writer and entrepreneur specializing in finance, investing, and money matters. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the financial sector, Tim offers valuable insights into the world of personal finance, stock market trends, and investment strategies.