Baby Carrier Review and Comparison: Ergo, Beco & Líllébaby


If you have tried babywearing, I know you love it. If you are considering it, you will love it. I have always loved my old Beco carrier, which stood the test for both my husband and me.

We used it well into toddlerhood, probably to the max recommendation of 4 years.

Now on my second baby, I have added many new carriers to my impressive haul, and I love trying out new ones.

I recently reviewed one of my latest favorites, the Líllébaby Complete Organic carrier. I have to say this is a go-to for me as I grab one to leave the house.

I was also lucky enough to get my hands on an Ergo360.

To top it off, I added a third option in the review, as three is often the magic number. This 3rd option is from my much-loved brand Beco.

Although I knew that she might be right, I just can’t see myself spending hours scrapbooking over fancy patterned paper and gluing decorative borders…

Ergo, Beco & Líllébaby Reviewed


Ergo is a pretty famous brand for soft-structured baby carriers. I have tried out the Organic and Sport versions in the pas,t and found both pretty comfy.

So it comes as no surprise that the latest redesign, the Ergo360, should be a carrier you seriously consider.

Beco Gemini

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