The New Mother: Taking Care of Yourself After Birth

Being a new mother is not easy. You have to take care of your baby while adjusting to the changes in your body. Many women don’t feel great about this adjustment period and often find help through online therapy for postpartum depression. 

In case you don’t know, people with postpartum depression feel like a wave of sadness and frustration has crashed upon them. It can make you feel hopeless and trapped in life. These feelings can be dangerous for a new mother, and so therapy can help combat this issue. 

But besides therapy, what can you do for yourself? Well, you can start by taking lots of care of yourself after birth. Here’s how:

Rest, Rest & Rest

A newborn baby keeps you up for most of the night. From diaper changes to feeding, you will constantly be on your toes. This means getting a good night’s sleep won’t often be possible, and so you must prioritize resting whenever you can.

If the baby takes a nap, take a nap too. If your partner’s looking after the baby, catch some sleep. Whenever and wherever you find the opportunity to rest, do it. Being well-rested will not only allow you to take better care of your child, but it will also allow your body to heal. 

Focus on Your Diet

Your diet after pregnancy is as important as it was during your pregnancy. A balanced diet with greens, fruits, and proteins will give your body all the good stuff needed to help the body recover from childbirth. 

Drinking more water will allow your body to maintain fluids and produce healthy milk for your baby. Do not consume too many greasy fast food, sugary desserts, or alcoholic beverages. If you have certain medical conditions, ask your healthcare provider to suggest suitable foods. 

Say No

Friends and relatives often visit your home to meet the new baby soon after birth. While this is often a traditional practice, you don’t have to follow it. You can always say no and ask them to come later.

Also, avoid doing any household or work-related chores. Don’t stress your body, especially during the first six weeks of giving birth. If someone asks you to do something, remind them about your condition and say no.

Remember healing faster is much more important for you and your baby than getting the housework done.

Don’t Miss the Doctor’s Appointments

New mothers must visit the doctor after giving birth. The healthcare professional checks their body condition and ensures there is no infection or complication. 

These routine checkups are necessary and shouldn’t be compromised, no matter what. Make sure you and your partner have these appointment dates marked on the calendar so you don’t miss them.

Ask & Accept Help

Lastly, know there is no harm in asking for help from others. Being a new mother is a challenge that requires support and cooperation from others. 

You should ask for help from your partner, family, relatives, and friends. And whenever someone offers to assist you in taking care of the child, try and allow them to do so.

For example, if your husband offers to take care of the child on his day off, let him do it while you get some rest or do something for yourself. Remember that taking care of yourself is important to be able to take care of your child.

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This post first appeared on Mama Say What?!

Feature photo credit: Shutterstock/ Natalia Deriabina


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