8 Industry Secrets That Will Shock You

Redditors came out in droves recently when a user asked Reddit: “What’s an industry secret in the field you work in?” Read on to discover some shocking secrets that may change your lifestyle!

The responses came from many career sectors, but TheoLuminati gave the top-rated comment, receiving a massive 35,400 upvotes.

Insurance Secret That May Save You Money

They explained they were an Automobile insurance agent and went on to give this golden nugget of advice “Please, for the love of god, don’t tell auto insurance agents more than you have to.

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AMW204 gave the second most highly rated comment, with a whopping 33,000 upvotes. They work as a reporter and revealed a nifty secret that helps them work faster.

Grocery Store Secrets

Mmmmpisghetti’s comment garnered 31,200 upvotes. Her secret might alarm some, but it is something a lot of people often neglect to do: “The fruits and veggies you buy at the grocery store…wash them.”