Do This If You’re Tired of Wasting Money on Unused Baby Food


I can’t be the only person with shelves in my cupboards and freezer full of baby foods.

My babies must have decided there was something better on offer before I got a chance to use them.

At first, I was the Mama intent on cooking everything fresh for my baby. I made batches of different purees – fruit, vegetables, meats, vegetables & meats combined.

All were neatly packaged and frozen in bespoke baby food containers.

When we started weaning, like most babies, the purees were sometimes loved or discarded, often on the floor.

What to do With Leftover Baby Food

1. Donate

For all the bought unopened items, the best solution is to donate, so families who need the help can benefit.

2. Make Baby Cereal Cookies

Baby Rice and oatmeal are bland and not very nutritious by themselves. If you add some other ingredients, you can make great snacks.

Baby Rice and oatmeal are bland and not very nutritious by themselves. If you add some other ingredients, you can make great snacks.

3. Gluten-Free Baking

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