Man Shocked To Hear What Girlfriend’s Father Said When He Asked For Permission To Marry Daughter


After dating for five years, a Reddit user approaches his girlfriend’s parents to seek their blessing before proposing.

However, a response from the dad raised alarm bells in his head.

Marrying across races can be tricky, and interracial couples often have to deal with conflicts when each tries to assert different values based on their racial and cultural identity.

One Reddit user experienced this in his interracial relationship and has since asked for advice on the platform.

The Marriage Proposal

According to the Original Poster (OP), a 29-year-old Black male; he and his girlfriend N, a 27-year-old Korean, have been in a relationship for almost five years.

However, OP explained that in the past months, he had been planning to propose, and because he is pretty traditional, OP felt it would be fitting to inform N’s dad and seek his blessing before proposing to his daughter.

Baby Talks!

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