Don’t Commit These 10 Destructive Decisions that Can Scar Your Child for Life

Everyone wants to do right by their kids. Sometimes, however, parents can fall flat. And sometimes, you might be making your kid absolutely miserable without even knowing it.

Here are 10 Destructive Decisions that Can Scar Your Child for Life

#1. Public Discipline

Sometimes kids misbehave and need to be disciplined. However, in a public place, in a very public way, is not appropriate.

#2. Encouraging the “Everyone’s a Winner” Mentality

IThis mentality may work for youth sports, but it’s not a good long-term lesson to teach children. Everyone should be instilled with a healthy amount of competition.

#3. Not Putting Your Marriage First 

In order to raise good kids, you need to have a strong foundation with your spouse.

#4. Letting Your Mood Affect Your Interactions With Your Child

We all have bad days at work or just a rough go of it in general, but that’s not your child’s fault, nor is it their responsibility to make you feel better.

#5. Having a Nanny Parent Your Kids

Quality time with mom and dad is important to the development of your child.

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